Tri-Peak seemed of possible interest too, after looking at the map I decided a loop to "Boney Mtn", Tri-Peak, returning to Sandstone Peak Trailhead via the Mishe Mokwa Tr and connector was to be my route.
The Old Road Grade (ORG) (they call this a trail, it drives me mad!. It's a friggin road will always be a road) out of the Sandstone Peak Trailhead was deserted as was all the area parking lots on this cool Southern California morning. There was evidence on the ORG of a possible Mtn Lion, I stopped at one point and took a photo of one of the tracks (1.14 miles).
I made good time to the summit trail to Sandstone Peak (1.45, 0:38:17), and on toward "Boney Pk". I decided to approach from the saddle on the west (2.20, 0:55:04) . There was what appeared to be an Old trail grade (OTG) here. I followed it down a ways until it appeared to be going in a direction I didn't wan to go. I then went cross country and on game trails to "Boney Pk"
As I suspected the cliffs I saw from Sandstone Peak trailhead parking lot where not as vertical as they appeared to be from a distance. There are some rock climbing routes with bolted anchors, I followed the use trail back to my start point which I walked right by on my way to the saddle.
Further on the ORG a spur trail to Inspiration Point beckoned (2.79 1:32:19). It was lunch time so I made for it. There's a little BSA monument with compass pointing to various distant landmarks. This spot provided some additional views of Boney Pk.
I made my way to Tri-Peak, the use trail becomes less and less distinct as I approached the "Summit", passing by a surveyors monument "El Conejo", it appears to be a random point on a section line, there is more rock climbing route here.
I went back the way I came passing one, then another, & yet a third hiker, as I made my way down Mishe Mokwa Tr toward Split Rock.
Stopped at Split Rock for a drink and look at the map (5.66 3:07:34) . The Tom Harrison map sez 1.3 miles I make it 1.45 miles or so, There where people climbing at the "Java Wall" and I passed 2 more hikers.
I took the connector back (1.3 miles) to the ORG (0.16) and down to Sandstone Peak Trailhead (0.35) for a total of 7.54 miles 4hrs 1min 47sec
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